Our Students Are Happy With What We Do
Our students and their parents love what we do and below are their testimonials
I learnt about the basic electronics components, and how to code and build different projects, I also made new friends, it was fun playing and hanging around them. I want to come back next year for the second level of Electronics/Robotics Design and coding.
I learnt how to use a breadboard to program devices with arduino nano and other components. It was really fun and I met people with different personalities and I socialized with them. I will come back next year to learn a higher level of Electronics and Robotics.
I learnt Electronics and Robotics. It was delightful, I made lots of friends and I also found my classmates here. I will like to attend again next year because this Electronics and Robotic class can be really useful in our education and in our daily lives.
I learnt the basics of xml, kotlin in App development, it was amazing, and I learnt a lot about software development these past weeks, I am sure with more practice I will be able to change the world for good. Thank you Center4Tech for the opportunity.
My experience was amazing, I learnt how to build games. I also learnt how to calm down while doing things and not to be too forward with people. I also made new friends. I want to come back to learn more and I will like to make a career out it.