Adult Tech Course
Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a basic & must-learn skill in today’s world for almost everyone. MS Excel is one of the most used products of Microsoft Office. It is being used in almost every business, corporation, and institution for data entry, data analysis, data presentation, data consolidation, or data calculation. Microsoft Excel is a very user-friendly, easy-to-use & interactive software that will give the desired results accurately & within no time. Even if you never used Microsoft Excel before still, you would not feel any difficulty in learning the MS Excel software. This MS Excel course is ‘All in one complete’ Excel training from beginner to advanced level. If you are an engineer, auditor, data analyst, data scientist, data entry operator, student, teacher, or researcher you can choose this course to gain the skill as per your requirement even if you are from any other background & you want to gain the skill you are more than welcome here. This course is designed by keeping in mind the beginner or entry-level approach but if you already have some knowledge about MS Excel or worked before in Excel then you can skip those basic level lectures. This course is designed in Microsoft Excel 2021 version, but it can be easily learned in almost any older or latest version of MS Excel.
What Students Will Learn:
- Learn Microsoft Excel from Basics to Expert Level
- Learn How to Analyse the Data
- Learn the Formatting & Conditional Formatting
- Learn the Mathematical Functions
- Learn the Logical Functions
- Learn the Lookup Functions
- Learn the Excel Sheet Auditing Tools
- Learn Data Consolidation in Excel
- Learn the Shortcut Keys
- Learn Printing the Excel File
- Lean the Sort & Filter Options
- Learn about Charts & Tables
- Learn the use of Pivot Tables & Charts
- Learn to Create Dashboards
- Learn About Form Controls
- Learn the VBA & Macros
Required Tool:
- Microsoft Office Software